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Tag Archives: necrons

Nemesor Zandrekh from the front.



The body is essentially painted except for the washes and the sealer.  I’m not super happy with my colors up close but he actually looks good from a distance.  I still need to paint one part of the staff and do some touch up and He’ll be complete.   I wish I had a better eye for color.  It would make this so much easier.




I’ve done a lot of tedious painting on him.  My lack of skill is showing some with this model but I’m still mostly happy with how it came out.   I’m trying to decide how I want to paint his weapon so the hand is not done yet.  The head needs some more cleanup before I attach it.  It will probably get added tomorrow night.



I also need to invest in a whitebox and dig out my real camera.  The lighting and webcam aren’t playing along well with macro photography. :p



Well I started working on zandrekh.  I’ve decided He’s gong to end up having a lot of gold and silve on him since he’s supposed to mentally be trapped in the old times and ways. I’m playing with some ice blue glowing on his shoulder pads so we’ll see how that works out.


